Orc provides trading solutions for making the best trading decisions with strong analytics, unmatched market access, powerful automated trading functionality, high performance cross- asset trading capabilities, ultra-low latency throughput, and effective risk management. It’s used by leading financial firms around the world, and provides a competitive edge in trading from a single platform, on any listed instrument, across all asset classes, in over 100 markets.
Orc offers advanced, high-frequency algorithmic traders several solutions designed to meet the needs of futures spread trading, options market making, volatility trading, and other sophisticated trading strategies. Orc also offers solutions for traders to create their own, custom trading strategies that can be tested and deployed into the market quickly.
Orc Spreader is a server-based futures spread trading product designed for low latency and high frequency trading.
Orc Market Maker is a server based market making product built to respond to market makers increased demand for high performance solutions. Orc Market Maker combines the latest technologies and innovations with Orc’s vast experience in developing market making applications for over 20 years.
Orc Liquidator is a server-based development and trading platform for deploying custom automated trading strategies. It is used by market makers, high frequency traders and volatility traders at proprietary trading firms, hedge funds and investment banks.